Friday, July 22, 2005

The Hits Just Keep On Coming

Happy to report here that although my cover story hasn't yet come out, my curiosity has been answered. I got a call from Mr. Allen, the publisher. He was at the airport, due to board in ten minutes, and called to ask for my next article. He stated that he knew it wouldn't be finished when he returned within the week, but he would like to see it whenever I get it finished. I have to tell you, even at this age it is good to know when one's work is appreciated. This being my first story for him, I wanted so badly to do well, and had been wondering since I submitted it what he thought. I suppose my answer will come in two parts; the first one has already happened, in that he asked for another story. The second will come when I see the story I wrote and find out how heavily it has been edited.

I had hoped to get over to our big South Center session to start on the aforementioned story this Saturday. The subject of the story is going to be at the session, and I thought it would be a great opportunity to get a headstart on the story. Sadly, my better half informed me that this Saturday I have been the lucky winner of the medical lottery - I have a sleep study on Saturday night at the hospital. I have been waiting for this study for over two years, and while living in Sacramento I had been on the list for over a year when it was cancelled at the last minute. They continued the standby thing up here in Seattle, and I got in after only six months. I am a typical male when it comes to medical care, so I wasn't really anxious to go. When the Mrs. says, "go," I go. Soon I'll probably be wearing what one of my best friends, Timmo, calls a Snorkle-ator 9000 - a CPAP machine. I have hopes that it won't happen, but my own conduct tells me that I am likely a victim of apnea. My own tipoff is that at certain times of the day, all I have to do is be motionless for a few seconds, and I am out for the count.

In case I've not posted enough magic-related material, here is more. Gosh, there is so much going on between my ears magic - wise, and aside from what I am doing for Magic Magazine, I am also working for Armando Lucero, noted magician and a real artist. He is preparing for a release, and we are currently working on the necessary updates to his website to support the release. He is a wonderful teacher, and though there are but a few who have been fortunate enough to learn from him, hopefully one day there will be more. For those not familiar with Armando, he is an artistic, creative renaissance man, who has such talent and depth. He is a pleasure to have as a friend, and he is constantly bringing more ideas to our conversations. Oh, and by the way, he is the subject of the upcoming cover story. Guess that is all for now, and I'll update with my impressions of the sleep study - that should be a real treat.


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