There was a response to my last post - oh, so many months ago. Did I find the balance for which I was searching? The answer, like so many things in life, is yes and no. My most recent inventory has me taking part in many of the things that I love, but like most, I haven't the time to really dedicate to any one thing. I have been working on some magic, and it is going well. I am working on some music, and I am less than satisfied with my progress. I am in the midst of building a guitar, and with that I am pleased. I am attending so many baseball games you would not believe it. My sons are pleased. I am playing again with the church band, and I suppose the point that I am trying to make is that I really AM finding time to dole out to each of the things in my life that needs it. I am well balanced between family time and 'me' time. I am well balanced between magic and music. Finally, both the people in my life and me are happy with the decision. There are things I miss no doubt. There are people that I miss no doubt. I will REALLY miss attending LVMI this year, but still and all the step back was a good thing.
I've no illusions about whether or not people are still checking in here, and that is okay too. I haven't much of interest to say anyway, and your time is better spent reading things that interest you. For those of my friends out there who have been wondering, I am well. Though I haven't been taking the time to keep up with new products or anything, I do try to keep up in general. Be well all, and I'll try not to be so long in finding something of interest to write. Life - who'da thought?