Friday, November 19, 2010

What's New and a Book Review

Well, the kid got off to year number three in college okay, and the other two are settled in to high school and middle school. They seem to be doing okay, though a bit on the 'under achieving' side '8) No surprise there, but we can always hope that those straight 'A' kids might still be in there somewhere, right? I'll not let them know that I wrote this, but there are far more important things than getting a perfect report card. I am much more proud that they are good people. They will give a days work for a day's wage when they are of age, and they will look a person in the eye. Good boys all. Wait - check that - the oldest is now 21!! Good man, in his case.

Magic is doing well, though music is getting in the way a bit. I am playing a lot of fingerstyle jazz in the style of Martin Taylor, and so enjoying it. Those of you who are guitarists know the frustrating feeling of living on a plateau, where every time you pick up your guitar, the fingers go to the same place on the same fret and play the same things. While what is coming out might be pretty, it is also pretty OLD! It is wonderful to be off the pedestal and making progress, though it does cut into my magic time a bit. I'm still reading a lot - got the Slydini book put out by L&L finally (the one from Gene Matsuura's notebooks). Haven't sessioned lately, but not for lack of wanting. We seem to be on different wavelengths lately, so I'm kind of working on my own. I am working on a moving hole plot where the hole is about the size of a quarter and really does move. I'm hoping to build a Pom Pom stick (magicians know what this is) for a training aid. I am also working on a card to impossible location effect that is going well. There is so much to do!

As I lay me down to sleep - and any other time I have more than thirty seconds in which there is nothing to do (waiting on the wife, waiting on the kids, sitting in the 'reading room,' ... well, you get it) I read. I am a voracious reader because I do love to read. It is my escape from pain, and although it isn't a total escape nothing is, and it is at least another tool in the pouch for lessening pain. My latest read was "Shaken" by J.A. Konrath. I wanted to be able to share my views after having read the book and the bonus content - the same story in a more chronological order. First, while I don't say that you should ignore the bonus (heck - you might like it better) I can tell you that it was written the way it was written for a reason. The moving about in time gives us a sort of Tarentino kind of feel and deepens our understanding of so many things. Good guys, bad guys, motivations, history, they all feel better revealed through the technique that Mr. Konrath chose for us. Wise man though he is, he knows that there are those among us who do not especially like Tarentino films, and gave you the bonus version. I believe I have a good feel for Mr. Konrath's writing, especially since purchasing my Kindle and mowing through all of his writings that have not been available in book form. I heartily recommend all of these, but for you Jack Daniels fans, "Shaken" is an awesome ride. Readers who spend much of their days with their face in a book know that it is a bit tougher to get a rise out of us. Konrath literally had me clenching my jaws and my fist so hard it was an exhausting read! Folks, that is a good thing. Too often we begin a 'thriller' and by page 50 (I'm being generous here) we've already got the end nailed and the bad guys put away. With "Shaken" we are given a birds - eye view of Jack's career as she chases after a life long nemesis, Mr. X. He is truly bad like few bad men in books today, someone who loves to be bad. This is the set-up book for the final of the Jack Daniels series, but trust me here - it isn't shortchanging you so that the final book will be a knockout. No, this is a stand alone full on ride on a runaway train and the ride is a great one. Finally, full disclosure here; I am a fan of Mr. Konrath's work. I received this advance read with the understanding that I'd review it. I never gave any indication that I'd review it favorably nor was I asked to. I had already done a pre-order on the book, so I am a paying customer as well. I very much liked the book and I feel like I'd not have known Jack or Herb or Harry quite so well had I not read this one. For suspense, depth of character and its ability to drag you in and make you care, this is the book!

So, that's what is up in my world, my young man son will be home today from college for a whole week! Yeah - he gets to relax and we get to see him now and again.


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