Friday, July 29, 2005

I Made The Cover!

Okay, I know this is going to sound really self-serving, and I am sorry. For those of you that know me, you know that I'm not tooting my horn, I am just excited. Oh, and one more thing - in the interest of accuracy in reporting, *I* didn't exactly make the cover, but my story did, in the August Magic Magazine. The cover is Armando Lucero, and I wrote most of the cover story. I didn't get a chance to go over the whole thing yet, I was just so excited I wanted to write. So, if you like the article, they left it alone. If you think the cover story stinks, it was edited heavily, and I am really pretty angry about the whole thing '8)

The story has a real story behind it, but I'll just take the high road here, and say that I am happy to have written the story, and I am happy to have had the help of Dan LeFay in doing the writing. I hope he is as pleased with the outcome. I have several more stories in the queue, and I'll have the pleasurable opportunity of introducing the world to the magic of the Pacific Northwest. There will be a several stories upcoming about area magicians, and another cover story, this one on an old master who is WAAY overdue for a cover story. When you see it (or when I finally spill the beans) you'll be amazed that no one has ever done a cover on him before.

I hope you are not too amazed that I am doing no complaining at all this time, but the post is all good. That's the way life feels tonight since I opened the mailbox - all good. Seeing that magazine even took the edge off finding out that I have an appointment to go learn how to use my new CPAP machine (see last post).


At 9:17 AM, Blogger Tom Frank said...

Congrats Mark!! I 'll stop by the magic shop and see if they have the new issue in!

I feel that this is the first of MANY writing projects you will do.

Keep Typing! You write. . . we read.

your pal


At 10:18 AM, Blogger Timmy Jimmy said...

Right on Mark! As a friend of mine used to tell me during my basketballl playing days"keep working hard and good things will happen." That is truly exciting and we who know you are very pleased at your success!


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